December is Rest & Restore.
In November, we celebrated gratitude. This holiday season, gratitude can help us bring focus to what we have, and help shift our mind from a scarcity mentality to one of abundance. Think of one person, place, or thing you are thankful for. Dwell there for a while.
This month, we will practice restorative yoga. Most of our lives are spent in movement. Our days are filled with techy conveniences that help us get more done, faster. This basic relaxation is the practice of deliberate stillness and helps us cultivate a habit of attention. We will hold poses for a long period of time with props, allowing all tension to release.

Benefits of Restorative Yoga...
- Brings your system back into balance
- Deepens your breathing
- Reduces stress hormones
- Slows down heart rate + blood pressure
- Boosts levels of joy + serenity