- Spiritual gesture and energetic seal
- Found in Hinduism and Buddhism
- In Yoga, it is used with Pranamaya or breathing techniques to stimulate different parts of the body to affect the flow of prana
Five Element Theory, in relation to hand:
o Thumb Fire (nourishes the energy of the other fingers, absorbs excess energy and restores balance)
o Index Air (heart chakra, large intestine, and deep meridian of the stomach are associated with this finger, air element represents thoughts)
o Middle Ether (throat chakra, circulation meridian and deep meridian of gall bladder)
o Ring Earth (root chakra, deep meridian of the liver, rules the pelvic floor, gives stamina, staying power and power to be assertive)
o Little Water (second chakra, energy center of sexuality, interpersonal relations
Jnana Mudra (mudra of knowledge)

- Done by touching the tips of the thumb and the index together, forming a circle, and the hand is held with the palm inward toward the heart
- Symbolizes unification of individual soul with the universal soul
- Clears the mind, promotes memory and concentration
Anjali Mudra - (AHN-jah-lee MOO-dra) (mudra of offering)

- Place both hands in front of heart chakra, with small space between palms
- Coordinates right/left side of brain, brings forth silence balance and peace
- Namaste ( the divinity in me greets the divinity in you)
- Poses : Mountain, Prayer, Tree
Hirschi, Gerturd; Mudras: Yoga in the Hands; 2000
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