Happy New Year! :)
Thank you for joining us in December for yoga practice and discussing the 3 doshas. Vata, Kapha and Pitta are known as the three basic humors in Ayurveda (Science of Life). They are believed to govern biological and psychological functions of mind, body and consciousness. Vata is the primary dosha and describes wind and movement in the body. Pitta is responsible for digestion and transformation. Kapha 'makes things stick together' and refers to power of cohesion. One or two doshas are often dominant within the body. If you are interested in learning more about your dosha, take this fun quiz by Lissa Coffey : What's your Dosha?
This January, we will explore twists in yoga practice. B.K. Iyengar describes twists as 'squeeze + soak action." As you twist, toxins are wrung out of compressed organs. When you release, fresh blood carrying oxygen flows in replenishing your cells.

We will practice and discuss the benefits of twists this month:
Marichyasana I
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Ardha Chandrasana
Parivrtta Trikonasana
I do Love and appreciate you for our dedication and passion but most of all I appreciate your knowledge.
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