Thank you for joining me in March, as we practiced forward bends to relax the mind and lengthen the spine. A natural womb like curve develops as you bend forward, making space between the spinal vertebrate, improving circulation along the spine and throughout the body. Mindful pranayama (breathing practice) and folding forward massages the internal organs and may aid in alleviating digestive ailments.
This April, we will practice and embrace heart openers or backbends. We often spend many hours hunched over computers, a regular practice of backbends can help release shoulders, upper back, and the chest.
Hridayam - is the Sanskrit word for heart, which translates as "that which receives, gives and circulates." Heart openers not only help strengthen your heart muscle, but also awaken emotional and energetic blockages. As energy lines unblock and open, you begin to bravely face emotions as they rise and stay steady and grounded as they pass.
Inhale (receive) Exhale (give). Where are you strongest? Can you find balance by accessing your heart center.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
Setu Bhandasana (Bridge Pose)
Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel)
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