Welcome to May! Hope you are enjoying the sunshine, budding flowers and trees. Thank you for joining me in April, as we practiced heart openers to release tension in the chest, encourage inhalation, an action associated related to embracing life. Releasing muscles in the chest helps increase energy and breath flow in the lung and heart. Back bending turns the body out to face the world from a different viewpoint. Heart openers can move blocked or sluggish energy leaving the mind more clear and focused.
This May, we will discuss Prana. In most physical yoga classes, we often practice asana (postures) and breathing techniques (pranayama).
Prana* - is the Sanskrit word for vital force, this force is known to permeate the body and is concentrated within nadis (energy channels). Prana also runs along the midline in the chakras and effects energy centers. Similar concepts are found within the Chinese, chi/ Japanese ki, Greek pneuma.
(*As defined by the medical dictionary)

We will discuss how Prana relates to..
Nadis (energy channels)
Ida, Pingla, Sushumna (main nadis)
Chakras (energy centers)
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