Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Yoga for your Ayurvedic Dosha : Vata, Pitta, Kapha

Ayurvedic doshas represent your body + emotional constitution.  It is one method of understanding body type and can help identify the best diet/activity for optimal health.  Each person has all three doshas including vata, kapha and pitta. These doshas represent the five elements : air, ether, water, fire and earth.  When one element is out of balance, it often causes a disruption in the bodies homeostasis.  Specific type of yoga sequences can be curated for each dosha to help bring balance.

Take this Dosha Quiz to learn more about your type (It is best to consult an Ayurvedic specialist for complete accuracy and understanding). If you find one dosha is more dominant than the other, consider a specific type of yoga practice to help bring balance.

Elements of a Yoga Practice that bring balance to Vata, Pitta, Kapha:

Vata (air/ether) - grounding, warm, restorative, slow moving, drishti (focus with gaze), aromatherapy and soothing music

Pitta (fire/water) - cooling practice, holding poses for longer counts, slower sun salutations, forward folds, lunar salutation

Kapha (earth/water) - heat building poses that include more movement, focus on spaciousness of pose, vinyasa flow

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