Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November: Psoas Muscle in Yoga Practice

Thank you for joining us in October for mudras. These energetic hand seals help harmonize the body and prepare for meditation. We often use mudras in yoga practice and hope you were able to take away a better understanding of their significance. This November we will delve into the Psoas Muscle and how it relates to yoga.

November Focus: Psoas Muscle

We will explore the Psoas and how yoga postures can help stretch, lengthen and strengthen this core muscle. The Psoas Muscle is often described as the center of energy, movement and balance. This muscle attaches to both the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and connects to the upper/lower body. Join us, as we take a closer look at the psoas this month.


Mudras [mud:’ra] – Sanskrit meaning ‘seal’

- Spiritual gesture and energetic seal
- Found in Hinduism and Buddhism
- In Yoga, it is used with Pranamaya or breathing techniques to stimulate different parts of the body to affect the flow of prana

Five Element Theory, in relation to hand:

o Thumb Fire (nourishes the energy of the other fingers, absorbs excess energy and restores balance)

o Index Air (heart chakra, large intestine, and deep meridian of the stomach are associated with this finger, air element represents thoughts)

o Middle Ether (throat chakra, circulation meridian and deep meridian of gall bladder)

o Ring Earth (root chakra, deep meridian of the liver, rules the pelvic floor, gives stamina, staying power and power to be assertive)

o Little Water (second chakra, energy center of sexuality, interpersonal relations

Jnana Mudra (mudra of knowledge)

- Done by touching the tips of the thumb and the index together, forming a circle, and the hand is held with the palm inward toward the heart
- Symbolizes unification of individual soul with the universal soul
- Clears the mind, promotes memory and concentration

Anjali Mudra - (AHN-jah-lee MOO-dra) (mudra of offering)

- Place both hands in front of heart chakra, with small space between palms
- Coordinates right/left side of brain, brings forth silence balance and peace
- Namaste ( the divinity in me greets the divinity in you)
- Poses : Mountain, Prayer, Tree

Hirschi, Gerturd; Mudras: Yoga in the Hands; 2000